07-5530136/5530044 lib-enquiryjb@utm.my

          the portrayal

Film Strip Audio Visual Player

Dukane’s ‘Audio Visual Strip Film’ player, the US-made 28A1A model in the 1980’s was used in the UTM Library in the media service. It was used as a teaching tool in the 1980’s and 1990’s.

Overhead Projector

Made in Japan in 1985, this Cabin Overhead Projector model 24F was used in the UTM Library in the media service. It was used as a teaching tool by the faculty who used the seminar rooms in the Library in the 1980’s and 1990’s. This equipment was popular because it was portable and handy.

Projector Plus

Plus brand ‘Projector’, a US-made model in the 1980’s was used in the UTM Library in the media service. It was used as a teaching tool in the 1980’s and 1990’s.


Hanimex cassette recorder model 4400SL was made in Japan in 1979. This machine was initially used in media service at UTM Library, Kuala Lumpur campus. The usage was continued at the Johor Bahru campus as a teaching aid by the faculty who used the seminar rooms in the UTM Library as their lecture venues.

Cassete Duplicator

The Dukane brand ‘Cassette Duplicator’, the US-made 28A 19 Bmodel in the 1980’s was used in the UTM Library in the media service. It was used as a teaching tool in the 1980’s and 1990’s.


The German-made OLYMPIA typewriter, the SGE A62 model, was used by the UTM Library in the late 1970’s until the 1980’s. This typewriter was used in preparing the catalog cards for the library collection. When card cataloging was replaced by online cataloging, this typewriter became a thing in the past.

Film Projector

This 1985 Japanese Hokusin film transmitters (for 16mm film) and audio were the tools used in the media service to play movies. It was used as a teaching tool by faculty in the 1980’s and 1990’s. Its usage had been much reduced when digital technology was widely introduced into the classrooms. The film used is 16mm in size to fit the projector. One example of such films is the film produced by National Film Malaysia entitled ‘Universiti Teknologi Malaysia’. To preserve its shelf life, the film is kept in a closed container to protect it from environmental threats.

Braun Paxiscope

The Braun brand ‘Paxiscope’, a German 650 model in the 1980’s, was used in the UTM Library in the media service. It was a lens projector used as a teaching tool in the 1980’s and 1990’s.