Pameran Naib Canselor UTM Kepimpinan Terbilang: Memacu Keunggulan UTM
Pameran ini memaparkan biografi tujuh (7) kepimpinan terbilang, Naib Canselor UTM yang memegang tampuk kepimpinan UTM sejak awal penubuhannya sehingga kini dalam memacu keunggulan UTM sebagai Universiti terkemuka dalam menyediakan perkhidmatan pendidikan dan penyelidikan bertaraf dunia untuk kekal berdaya saing bagi membawa jenama UTM setanding di persada antarabangsa.
Dengan menyantuni pameran ‘Naib Canselor UTM Kepimpinan Terbilang: Memacu Keunggulan UTM’ ini dapat dijadikan sebagai khazanah ilmu serta bahan rujukan biografi dan berupaya memupuk rasa cinta serta kesungguhan warga UTM dalam menghayati aspirasi UTM.
Pameran Retrospeksi Bersejarah Leftenan Komander (B) Mohamed Sarif Bin Kalam : Penaik Bendera Persekutuan Tanah Melayu pada Hari Pengisytiharan Kemerdekaan di Stadium Merdeka 31 Ogos 1957
Leftenan Komander (B) Mohamed Sarif Bin Kalam merupakan salah seorang individu yang bertanggungjawab menaikkan bendera Persekutuan Tanah Melayu (yang kini dikenali sebagai Jalur Gemilang) pada Hari Pengisytiharan Kemerdekaan di Stadium Merdeka 31 Ogos 1957 untuk dipersembahkan kepada orang ramai secara rasmi dan buat pertama kali.
Sepanjang 32 tahun berkhidmat dalam dunia ketenteraan memberi peluang kepada beliau menimba banyak pengalaman dan menjawat beberapa jawatan termasuk Pegawai Laksana Berek sebelum bersara sebagai Leftenan Komander Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) pada tahun 1987.
Atas usaha dan jasanya kepada TLDM, beliau turut dianugerahkan beberapa pingat oleh kerajaan seperti pingat Ahli Mangku Negara (A.M.N.) pada tahun 1986 dan pingat Kesatria Mangku Negara (K.M.N.) pada tahun 2017.
The Merdeka Awards Recipients: Inspiring Excellence at UTM
The exhibition titled ‘The Merdeka Award Recipients: Inspiring Excellence at UTM’ pays tribute to exceptional individuals whose remarkable contributions have greatly propelled the nation’s progress, simultaneously kindling inspiration and exemplifying the ‘Merdeka’ spirit, not only within the wider Malaysian community but also within the UTM community.
Pameran Koleksi Khazanah Warisan Universiti : Ilmu Pengetahuan Institusi
‘Pameran Koleksi Khazanah Warisan Universiti: Ilmu Pengetahuan Institusi’ telah berlangsung di Galeri Terbuka, Bangunan Perpustakaan Sultanah Zanariah, Perpustakaan UTM, UTM Johor Bahru pada 3 Oktober 2022 sehingga 31 Disember 2022. Pameran yang diadakan bersempena dengan Sambutan 50 Tahun UTM ini menghidangkan informasi berkaitan tokoh, peristiwa, artifak dan sejarah penubuhan UTM yang mengandungi kepentingan budaya, warisan serta nilai jati diri UTM yang tersendiri.
Pameran Sejarah Johor
‘Pameran Sejarah Johor’ yang telah berlangsung di Bangunan Perpustakaan Raja Zarith Sofiah, Perpustakaan UTM, UTM Johor Bahru pada 21 Jun 2022 sehingga 30 Jun 2022 mengetengahkan dapatan bahan sejarah bagi negeri Johor. Bahan sejarah yang dipamerkan adalah seperti mata wang lama, eko-warisan pelancongan di Pulau Tanjung Surat, Sistem Kangcu dan koleksi artifak. Antara objektif pameran diadakan adalah untuk memberi peluang kepada warga UTM dan komuniti sekitar kampus mengenali Pulau Tanjung Surat yang mempunyai banyak peninggalan sejarah dan warisan yang telah dilupakan di samping memberi nilai tambah kepada sejarah dan warisan negeri Johor sedia ada.
Pameran Seni Khat dan Jawi 2022
Seni khat ialah seni tulisan Arab (termasuk Jawi) yang cantik. Seni ini merupakan suatu ilmu dan kemahiran dalam membentuk huruf-huruf Arab dalam posisi tunggal, bersambung ataupun dalam bentuk penghasilan karya mengikut kaedah-kaedah tertentu sehingga seni ini Berjaya ditampilkan dalam bentuk yang indah. Seni ini terus berkembang dengan masuknya pelbagai gaya, nilai dan pengaruh setempat, namun perkara ini tidak menjejaskan kaedah asas yang telah ditetapkan oleh Islam.
Virtual Exhibition: A Walk Through Time - Our Library (1942 - 1991)
For decades, our library has been at the heart of the UTM community and has been instrumental in the university’s teaching, learning, and research endeavors. Through the use of archival materials, documents, and photographs, this virtual exhibition provides a visual snapshot of UTM Library’s history from 1942 to 1991. Visit
'Before & After: The Technique of Conservation' Virtual Exhibition
Virtual Exhibition: History and Traditions: Decades-Old UTM Convocation (1970s - 1990s)
Convocation ceremonies at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia are steeped in tradition and history. This virtual exhibition provides information on the archive, artifacts, and attire that we used to commemorate this significant milestone in our students’ lives from the 1970s to the 1990s. View the exhibition at
‘Dari Sudut Mataku’ Photography Exhibition
‘Dari Sudut Mataku’ Photography Exhibition was held at the Open Gallery, Sultanah Zanariah Library Building, UTM Library, UTM Johor Bahru from 9 February to 9 April 2020. The photos were also displayed earlier at Dewan Sultan Iskandar UTM during the Vice-Chancellor’s New Year Address on 21 January 2020.
‘The First' Virtual Exhibition
‘The First’ virtual exhibition depicts images of UTM’s leading figures, events, artifacts, and achievements that serve as a testament to the university’s academic world civilisation over the decades. The exhibition can be viewed at any time and from any location by visiting
The 30-Year Celebration of UTM in Johor
The collection of posters was displayed at Sultan Ibrahim Chancellery Building foyer, UTM Johor Bahru during the 30-year celebration of UTM in Johor. UTM Chancellor, Her Royal Highness Raja Zarith Sofiah ibni Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah graced the exhibition on the first day of the 55th UTM Convocation Ceremony held from 24-26 October 2015.
Exhibition of UTM Teaching Aids, Technologies & Equipment (1970s - 1990s): Celebrating Three Decades of UTM Teaching, Learning and Research Activities
There are 12 items on display and among them is the Multi-Standard Colour Television Trainer which was used to manually study the television system. Other exhibit items include the Radial Line Plotter which was applied during the 1960s to 1990s to produce topographic maps using a photogrammetry method. In addition, the tape recorder used for recording waves and frequencies that were then translated into graphs or imagery for mapping work is also one of the exhibition highlights.
The History of UTM Establishment
Distinguished UTM Alumni
The collection of posters on distinguished UTM alumni was displayed at Sultan Ibrahim Chancellery Building foyer, UTM Johor Bahru during the 59th Convocation Ceremony which was held on 28-31 October 2017. UTM Chancellor, Her Royal Highness Raja Zarith Sofiah ibni Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah graced the exhibition on the first day of the ceremony on 28 October 2017.
Memartabat Ilmu, Melestari Kecemerlangan
The collection of posters was displayed at Sultan Ibrahim Chancellery Building foyer, UTM Johor Bahru during the 54th Convocation Ceremony which was held on 25-27 April 2015. UTM Chancellor, Her Royal Highness Raja Zarith Sofiah ibni Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah graced the exhibition on the first day of the ceremony on 24 April 2015.
UTM Eminent Researcher : Professor Datuk Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Ismail
UTM Eminent Researcher : Professor Ir. Dr. Nor Aishah Saidina Amin
The Achievements of UTM and UTM Alumni
A collection of posters on the achievements of UTM and UTM Alumni was displayed during the UTM Alumni Gala Dinner on 14 February 2015 at Dewan Merdeka, Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra, Kuala Lumpur.
Menelusuri Sejarah : UTM Terus Mencipta Kegemilangan
A collection of posters on Courtesy@UTM was displayed at the exhibition area at Sultanah Zanariah Library, UTM Johor Bahru during UTM Library Carnival which was held on 26 until 28 September 2017.